Groveland Council on Aging Invites Residents to Senior Day

GROVELAND – Council on Aging Director Amanda Fisher wishes to invite the community to COA Senior Day later this month to learn more about the COA and services available to the senior community.


Thursday, May 19, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Activities will take place at Groveland Town Hall, 183 Main St., in the center meeting room, hallways and outdoor tent.



The Groveland COA is hosting a Senior Day, which will feature family-friendly activities, including raffles, fitness demonstrations, snacks and refreshments, artwork and music.

Attendees will have the chance to view artwork created by seniors hung in the hallways of Town Hall.

Thomas Rull will perform his show “A Musical Journey Through the Years,” sponsored by the Groveland Cultural Council. The performance will feature songs by Neil Diamond, Kenny Rogers, Paul Anka, Barry Manilow, Elvis, Perry Como, Lou Rawls, Engelbert Humperdinck, and more.

Lunch from Panera Bread will be provided, courtesy of the Friends of COA, Anita Wright, and Dot Dichiara. 

Sign-up is required to attend the musical performance and lunch. To sign up, please call the COA at 978-372-1101.

Additionally, members of the Groveland Fire Department will be on hand to provide information about a File for Life, which is a card that enables first responders to quickly obtain a person’s medical history, including allergens and medications, in an emergency situation.

The Northern Essex Elder Transport, a non-profit volunteer driver program serving seniors in 14 communities of the Merrimack Valley, will have forms for seniors to apply for services. Attendees interested in becoming volunteer drivers also will have an opportunity to apply.

Representatives from AgeSpan, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting residents of Northeast Massachusetts as they age, will showcase the resources that they provide to residents ages 60 and up.

Caption Call, a federally-funded program that provides captioned telephone services to people with hearing loss, will demonstrate its services.

Friends of the Groveland COA will be recruiting those interested in helping to fundraise for the COA.

“We encourage residents to join us for the Council on Aging’s Senior Day later this month, and hope to see a big turnout. The event will serve as a great way for the community to come together and connect with our seniors, learn more about what the COA has to offer, and to have fun,” Fisher said.


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